วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555


A poor credit rating can prevent any consumer from being able to get access to finance, particularly from traditional sources. Due to the banking collapse and continued global financial slowdown, lenders have to be even more particular about who receives loans and who doesn't. Invariably this means that many with a poor credit history suffer. However, one solution may be a payday loan.

Most payday loan providers have a much more open policy when it comes to lending. Rather than excluding some applicants on the basis of their credit rating, they are willing to consider other more prevalent factors - such as salary.

The unfortunate thing about the credit rating system is that a consumer can be downgraded due to historical irregularities. It is a snapshot of your financial history over the last six years and therefore issues from your past can have a huge impact on your present rating. Therefore, whilst it is a solid indicator, there are inevitably some issues with the system that mean hundreds of thousands of people can't get finance.

Fortunately, payday loan providers don't need to be particularly concerned about a borrower's ability to repay in the long-term. With the full amount of the loan, as well as any associated charges being payable within a month, credit history is almost irrelevant. It's a short-term borrowing solution; therefore factors such as monthly salary are given far greater importance.

This is why some companies don't run credit checks at all. Whilst this might not be universal throughout the industry, it's certainly not all that uncommon. The most likely deciding factor is what you're bringing in each month.

Most payday loan providers will therefore have a minimum salary expectation for applicants. Again, this is variable and will be entirely dependent on the company you choose. However, a likely guideline for monthly income is somewhere between 500 and 750 pounds. Whether this is paid at the end of the month or weekly often won't matter, as long as the final amount eclipses this minimum threshold.

There will always be exceptions to the rule. For instance, many lenders won't consider self employed applicants. Regardless of their average take home pay or credit rating, the instability of this form of work is a deciding factor.

As a result of this open approach to lending, many borrowers have decided to take up a payday loan in deference of a bank loan or other long-term borrowing option. It has enabled many consumers with a poor credit history to still get the cash that they need. Of course this comes with as many risks as it does benefits.

The positive aspect is that finance is available if you need it. This means that if a crisis happens in your life that you don't have the money to cover or that overspending during a particular month could have significant long-term implications, you can get a quick cash advance.

However, on the flipside, this ready availability of finance makes it easier to abuse. Therefore many people who don't have a solid financial footing and may struggle to manage repayment, can successfully apply for a loan which will either land them in further trouble or that they will be unable to repay.

This added risk has meant that the interest rates on many payday loans have remained extremely high, often equating to around 25% of the amount borrowed. However, this should not put off those who genuinely require cash in a hurry, but will hopefully do more to deter those who could experience long-term difficulties due to improper financial management.

So to briefly summarise, payday loans are available to a far greater cross section of society, including those with a poor credit history. Whilst acceptance is certainly never guaranteed, other factors - including salary - are prioritised far more so when compared with a conventional bank loan.

